Groundwater Treatment & Quality

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 0.7 CEUs/7 Renewal Credit Hours
(Across Canada and in New York)

Course Description:
This course provides an in-depth overview of groundwater treatment processes, with a focus on quality management and regulatory compliance. Participants will gain foundational knowledge of groundwater behavior, common contaminants, and treatment solutions for maintaining water quality.

What is Covered:

  • Occurrence and characteristics of groundwater, including the hydrologic cycle and aquifers
  • Well types, construction methods, and common components
  • Water quality issues related to groundwater, including natural and contamination sources
  • Treatment techniques such as aeration, softening, filtration, and chlorination


This one-day course is ideal for water treatment operators responsible for the management and quality assurance of groundwater supplies.

Course Lessons

The WWOTC E-Learning Advantage

Online Training Excellence Based on 20 Years of Classroom Experience.

Unmatched Convenience

Earn your license renewal credits at your own pace with our highly intuitive platform. Once you enroll, you have 6 months to complete your course.
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Engaging Content

These courses break down units and provide interactive multimedia lessons to maximize learning and retention.
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Certificate Upon Completion

This training equips you to enhance safety, prevent failures, boost efficiency, and build public confidence—while earning license renewal credits!
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