Frequently asked questions

What is the WWOTC?

The World Water Operator Training Company Inc. (WWOTC) is the premier destination for water and wastewater operator eLearning. With a strong dedication to excellence, it takes pride in providing top-notch online training solutions, empowering water professionals with the knowledge and expertise required for efficient and sustainable water resource management.

Where is WWOTC located?

The corporate head office is located in Windsor, Ontario, Canada.

Who are your instructors?

WWOTC's instructors are veteran operators with decades of operational experience and a great passion for teaching.

When can I start training and how long will it take?

You can enroll and start right away! The courses are self-paced, but you can use the amount of credit hours attached to each course as a guide.

How long will I have access to my course?

You will have full access to your course for 6 months from the purchase date.

Do these courses provide CEUs/Renewal Credit Hours?

Yes. WWOTC issues certificates of completion for all courses that have been completed with a score of at least 70%. The CEUs/Renewal Credit Hours are listed on these certificates. Each CEU is equivalent to 10 renewal credit hours.

Although we strive to always have up-to-date approval information posted in each course description, be sure to check with your region's regulatory agency to ensure approval.

How do I get my course certificate?

Once you've completed your course with a grade of 70% or higher, your certificate will become available to you via your student dashboard.

Are there enrollment prerequisites?

No, there are no enrollment prerequisites. That being said, these courses are meant to develop and advance the skills and knowledge of working water and wastewater operators.