Essential Wastewater Math

The "Essential Wastewater Math" course provides an introduction to the fundamental mathematical calculations used in wastewater treatment operations. Topics include flow rate conversions, chemical dosage calculations, sludge concentration and loading rates, hydraulic retention time, digester gas production, and pipe and channel flow. Participants will learn practical methods to optimize treatment efficiency, ensure regulatory compliance, and enhance system performance. By the end of the course, learners will be equipped to apply basic math principles to manage wastewater processes effectively.
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 0.1 CEUs/1 Renewal Credit Hour
Approved in Canada and New York

Course Lessons

An industry leader!

We are 100% focused on building capacity in water and wastewater system operations and management.

Upgrade Skills

We provide operators with the training they need to optimize safety, mitigate failures, improve efficiencies, and instil public confidence.


Our talent, capabilities, and experience help clients maximize the value of existing resources.


Our reputation was built on our ability to provide highly effective operator training courses for over 20 years.


Our courses break down units and provide interactive multimedia content to maximize learning and engagement.